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Herpa Wunderland Truck 2024 "Zügig unterwegs"
In limitierter Auflage von 1000 Stück und exklusiv im Miniatur Wunderland.Die Zugmaschine ist mit dem klassischen "Garbe Transporte" Design bedruckt.Der Auflieger zeigt das 2024er Design "Zügig unterwegs".Seitenspiegel sind im Lieferumfang enthalten und müssen nur noch eingesteckt werden.Übrigens:Seit April 2024 ist der Truck im Maßstab 1:1 auf Deutschlands Straßen unterwegs!

Miniatur Wunderland US Truck "Kollage"
A Miniatur Wunderland truck from our special run.You can see inside the driver's cabin. The truck is made from different materials: The truck itself is made partly from metal, whereas the trailer is made from plastic.Age 3+

Hamburg Truck "Moin Moin - Tschüss"
A Miniatur Wunderland truck from our special run. You can see inside the driver's cabin. The truck is made from different materials: The truck itself is made partly from metal, whereas the trailer is made from plastic. Age 3+

Miniatur Wunderland Truck "Trains"
A Miniatur Wunderland truck from our special run.You can see inside the driver's cabin. The truck is made from different materials: The truck itself is made partly from metal, whereas the trailer is made from plastic.Age 3+

Miniatur Wunderland US Truck "Die Welt ist klein"
A Miniatur Wunderland truck from our special run.You can see inside the driver's cabin. The truck is made from different materials: The truck itself is made partly from metal, whereas the trailer is made from plastic.Age 3+

Hamburg US Truck "Skyline"
A Miniatur Wunderland truck from our special run.You can see inside the driver's cabin. The truck is made from different materials: The truck itself is made partly from metal, whereas the trailer is made from plastic.Age 3+

Miniatur Wunderland Truck "Fire Rescue"
A Miniatur Wunderland truck from our special run.You can see inside the driver's cabin. The truck is made from different materials: The truck itself is made partly from metal, whereas the trailer is made from plastic.Age 3+

Miniatur Wunderland Truck "Planes"
A Miniatur Wunderland truck from our special run.You can see inside the driver's cabin. The truck is made from different materials: The truck itself is made partly from metal, whereas the trailer is made from plastic.Age 3+

Miniatur Wunderland Truck "Ships"
A Miniatur Wunderland truck from our special run.You can see inside the driver's cabin. The truck is made from different materials: The truck itself is made partly from metal, whereas the trailer is made from plastic.Age 3+

Hamburg Truck "Backbord / Steuerbord"
A Miniatur Wunderland truck from our special run.You can see inside the driver's cabin. The truck is made from different materials: The truck itself is made partly from metal, whereas the trailer is made from plastic.Age 3+


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