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Ever since 2007, we release a new pin, as well as a magnet (since 2010), every month, with the most beautiful Wunderland scenes for collectors to buy. The entire turnover of these sales (and we are not deducting manufacturing costs) is being donated to a good cause - different ones every month. The buyers decide to which cause or institution the proceeds should be donated.

A pin or magnet costs 2,90 € each.

Through the sale of our donation pins and magnets, we are supporting a different non-profit organization every month. In total, we already managed
to collect 951.084,00 €.

More information: about our charity pins and magnets

Magnet Steem Locomotive
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Whale
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Heart’s desire foundation Herzenswünsche e.V. (Heart’s desire foundation) Herzenswünsche e.V.  is an association working throughout Germany, making dreams come true for children and teenagers with terminal illnesses. Roughly 70 volunteer workers and 3 employees develop close liaisons to the children concerned as well as their families, doctors, therapists in order to find out which wish fulfilled could bring hope and good energy for the child. It is often the case, that a dream come true can help in coping with the strenuous everyday life at the clinic. For any kind of support we are tremendously grateful. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Sold out
Magnet Parrot
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Ankerland e.V. Ankerland e.V. is an association working to improve the lives of traumatized children and youths. Their mission is to establish the first counseling and treatment center in Hamburg where young trauma patients could get professional treatment, encompassing medical care, psychotherapy and family support. Ankerland also aims at increasing public awareness for the complex issue of children with trauma and provides a phone counseling service. www.ankerland.orgALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet 2022 - Crocodile
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Die Seenotretter Rescuing castaways from distress at sea. Extricating people from danger. Treating the sick and wounded. We are ready for operation 24/7 in literally any weather. The "Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger (DGzRS)" (German Maritime Search and Rescue Association) is one of the most modern sea rescue services in the world. Our work is exclusively financed through donations and voluntary contributions. As a SAR service, we are on duty around the clock in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea in all kinds of weather – with a fleet of 60 SAR cruisers and boats. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Save the planet
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Children’s Hospice “Lionheart“ in SykeThe children’s hospice “löwenherz” in Syke, close to Bremen, has eight rooms for extremely ill children, as well as for their parents and siblings. Children will be accepted, whose illness will be terminal, and who cannot be healed with today’s medical means. The association has made it their highest goal to make sure the hospice can stay open. It is the hospice’s assignment to enlighten society about the sensitive subject of “dying children” and to support the parents and siblings. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Iceberg
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Lokolière
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Airport
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Amore Frio
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Shark
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Elmshorner Suppenhühner (transl.: Elmshorn Soup Chickens) We are helping helpers! In her own words Martina Kramer from the town Elmshorn is ‚sweet little 61‘. With her initiative is dedicated to help the homeless. Since more than 5 years, she is providing people in need with food, hygiene supplies, and everyday objects like sleeping bags, clothing, and much, much more. Since two years she has her own van to reach even more homeless people throughout Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. Before that she only had a handcart for her deliveries. By now, Martina has acquired quite a few more helpers for her project. Many of her friends are baking and cooking, or are supporting her on-site, so she can continue her dedicated help for people in need. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Pin Opening
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Sternenbrücke (Starbridge)The Sternenbrücke is a children’s hospice, which is in urgent need of donation money. Here fatally ill children have the chance to spend the last days, weeks or months of their lives in a very special surrounding. It is also special, that parents and other relatives have the chance to share these last steps together with the child at the hospice: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Bridge Construction
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Turtle
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Foundation "A place for children" Foundation "A place for children" The foundation "A place for children" builds the so called "Mattisburg" (Mattis-Castle) shelters in Germany for abused and severely traumatized children between the ages of three and twelve. The Mattisburg-Children are peculiar in their behavior which can be violent and self-destructive. Severe eating disorders can appear as well.  Their behavior is too intense for placements with foster parents in residential groups or psychiatric hospitals. These children receive help in the “Mattis Castles”. It often takes months for the children to open up and talk about their traumatic experiences. From that point forward the social educators and therapists can start working with them on processing and coping and getting ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Pin Scandinavia
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent:Family Harbor– mobile children’s hospice service HamburgThe FAMILIENHAFEN is Hamburg’s first mobile hospice service, helping and relieving families in their homes when they have a child suffering from terminal disease. The care offered by the mobile hospice service will be provided every day of the year if needed. This means that FAMILIENHAFEN ensures council and care 52 weeks of the year and by this closes a big gap in medical care in Hamburg. The service is free of charge for the ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Speedolino
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Sheep Love
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Sloth
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Stiftung Mittagskinder (Association Lunch Children) The non-profit association Mittagskinder in Hamburg offers a socio-paedagogical supervision for children coming from a misfortunate social background in their so-called “Kindertreffs” (meeting places). These shelters are situated in inner city locations. More than 120 children receive healthy and appropriate meals free of charge. There are also tutoring and further educational and sports activities available: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Sea Horse
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: The "Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung" (German Childhood Cancer Foundation)The "Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung" (German Childhood Cancer Foundation) aims at fighting childhood cancer and helping children with cancer to experience the same quality of life and future prospects as any other child. The foundation supports and funds clinical and patient centered research projects that are targeted on better chances of healing, access to secure treatment, development of new cures and minimization or even prevention of long-term ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Knuffingen
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Doctors without borders “Doctors without borders” is a private medical first aid organization, with their basic principles written down in a Charter. One of these principles is to help all victims regardless of their ethnic origin or their religious or political beliefs. “Doctors without borders” is neutral and impartial and works free of any bureaucratic constraints. To keep this independence they are financed by at least half through private donations: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Whale-Rider
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Pin Parrot
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Ankerland e.V.Ankerland e.V. is an association working to improve the lives of traumatized children and youths. Their mission is to establish the first counseling and treatment center in Hamburg where young trauma patients could get professional treatment, encompassing medical care, psychotherapy and family support. Ankerland also aims at increasing public awareness for the complex issue of children with trauma and provides a phone counseling service. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Pin Turtle
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Foundation "A place for children" Foundation "A place for children" The foundation "A place for children" builds the so called "Mattisburg" (Mattis-Castle) shelters in Germany for abused and severely traumatized children between the ages of three and twelve. The Mattisburg-Children are peculiar in their behavior which can be violent and self-destructive. Severe eating disorders can appear as well.  Their behavior is too intense for placements with foster parents in residential groups or psychiatric hospitals. These children receive help in the “Mattis Castles”. It often takes months for the children to open up and talk about their traumatic experiences. From that point forward the social educators and therapists can start working with them on processing and coping and getting ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Pin Krokodil
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Die Seenotretter Rescuing castaways from distress at sea. Extricating people from danger. Treating the sick and wounded. We are ready for operation 24/7 in literally any weather. The "Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger (DGzRS)" (German Maritime Search and Rescue Association) is one of the most modern sea rescue services in the world. Our work is exclusively financed through donations and voluntary contributions. As a SAR service, we are on duty around the clock in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea in all kinds of weather – with a fleet of 60 SAR cruisers and boats. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Pin Bridge Construction
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Pin Pippi Longstocking
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Sold out
Pin Lokolière
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Opening
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent:Sternenbrücke (Starbridge)The Sternenbrücke is a children’s hospice, which is in urgent need of donation money. Here fatally ill children have the chance to spend the last days, weeks or months of their lives in a very special surrounding. It is also special, that parents and other relatives have the chance to share these last steps together with the child at the hospice: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Veneciosaurus
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Gelato
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Pin Whale
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Heart’s desire foundation Herzenswünsche e.V. (Heart’s desire foundation) Herzenswünsche e.V.  is an association working throughout Germany, making dreams come true for children and teenagers with terminal illnesses. Roughly 70 volunteer workers and 3 employees develop close liaisons to the children concerned as well as their families, doctors, therapists in order to find out which wish fulfilled could bring hope and good energy for the child. It is often the case, that a dream come true can help in coping with the strenuous everyday life at the clinic. For any kind of support we are tremendously grateful. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Pin Steam Locomotive
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Pin Amore Frio
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Pin Speedolino
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount. That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet South America
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Make a wishIn co-operation with employees and volunteers in hospice and palliative labor, we strive to fulfill  last life wishes with a focus on self-determination and the safety of the involved parties. Wherever desired and possible, we include relatives as well. Thus, we are giving joyful moments to be shared with all involved. The organization ‚Lebenswunsch e.V.‘ (translat: ‚make a wish‘) was founded to fulfill special personal wishes for terminally ill patients, and to make sure that they can experience their ‚life wish‘ moments with joy. We are working exclusively on a volunteer basis. In all concerns we protect the privacy and the self-determination of the patients. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Scandinavia
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent:Family Harbor– mobile children’s hospice service HamburgThe FAMILIENHAFEN is Hamburg’s first mobile hospice service, helping and relieving families in their homes when they have a child suffering from terminal disease. The care offered by the mobile hospice service will be provided every day of the year if needed. This means that FAMILIENHAFEN ensures council and care 52 weeks of the year and by this closes a big gap in medical care in Hamburg. The service is free of charge for the ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet USA
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.


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