This Monopoly Edition is in German language only!
World’s largest Model Railway meets one of the World’s most successful board games. Set off onto an exciting journey throughout all sections of Miniatur Wunderland. From Death Valley across Knuffingen Airport to the miniature Elbphilharmonie – buy your favorite attractions, rent them to your fellow players and go onto a fascinating discovery tour with the Miniatur Wunderland special edition of MONOPOLY. Fulfill Wunderland-specific duties with the “chance” cards and “community chest” cards, and move across the board with tokens which were specially designed for this edition.
Includes six special edition game tokens!
This model is not a toy for small children. It is suitable for children aged 3 and over.
In keeping with the prototypical, true-to-scale and/or functional design, small parts, sharp edges and points are generally to be expected with these models.
Please also note the additional information about the article.
Skat card game with different motifs of Miniatur Wunderland.
A deck card and 32 playing cards with a 4-color front and 1-color back.
Packed in full wrapping with tear tape and in a transparent case.
Currently with 10 new motifs:
Clubs 9: Elbphilharmonica - Hamburg
Clubs 7: Stack of Suitcases - Italy
As of Spades: Electric Locomotive of the FS Trenitalia - Italy
King of Spades: Eiffel Tower in Las Vegas - America
Hearts 9: Sibelius Monument in Finland - Scandinavia
As of Diamonds: Electric Locomotive of the Statens Järnvägar - Scandinavia
King of Diamonds: St Mark's Campanile in Venice - Italy
Queen of Diamonds: St. Peter's Basilica - Italy
Jack of Diamonds: Rialto Bridge in Venice - Italy
Diamonds 9: Bud Spencer Square - Italy
aus Holz, Metall, Stoff und Kartonagen
benötigtes Werkzeug und Klebstoff sind enthalten
22 x 15 x 17 cm (aufgebaut)
Bauanleitung (Englisch)
ideal als Geschenk!
Dies ist Emily's Flower Shop, ein großartiger Ort, um Blumen in der Nachbarschaft zu kaufen. Fühlen Sie sich frei, dieses Miniaturhaus mit Ihren eigenen Händen zu bauen und es nach Ihren Wünschen zu dekorieren.
Dieser Bausatz ist für Kinder ab 14 Jahren geeignet.
Entsprechend der vorbild- und maßstabsgerechten bzw. funktionsbedingten Gestaltung, sind bei diesen Bausatz allgemein Kleinteile, scharfe Kanten und Spitzen zu erwarten.
Beachten Sie für auch die Zusatzinformation zum Artikel.
Please note that the rubber duck is not suitable for children under 18 months. Please ensure that young children play under supervision to avoid any risks.
Unique rubber duck in a surgeon's look - perfect for all medical enthusiasts, with scalpel and mask in turquoise, an original gift idea for young and old.
This rubber duck is primarily intended as a decorative piece. Please note that due to its design it does not float in the water in a tilt-stable manner. But that's exactly what makes them a unique highlight in every bathroom or as part of a collection.
Malen Sie eine Linie auf ein Blatt Papier und lassen Sie das Fahrzeug von selbst der Linie Folgen.
Ideales Geschenk für Kinder mit garantiertem Spaß und Kreativität!
Opened in 2005, the home stadium of FC Bayern München and TSV 1860 München is regarded as one of the most modern stadiums in the world and its hull is lighted in the colors of the home club playing there.
Paper & EPS board material
No glue and no tools needed
150 pieces
7 years+
40 x 28.5 x 7.3 cm (assembled)
perfect as a gift
This model is not a toy for small children. It is suitable for children aged 3 and over.
In keeping with the prototypical, true-to-scale and/or functional design, small parts, sharp edges and points are generally to be expected with these models.
The color of the model may vary as it is available in a choice of four different colors: Red, Blue, Baige and Black. The specific color will be selected at random when your order is put together.
Please also note the additional information about the article.
This model is not a toy for small children. It is suitable for children aged 3 and over.
In keeping with the prototypical, true-to-scale and/or functional design, small parts, sharp edges and points are generally to be expected with these models.
Please also note the additional information about the article.
This model is not a toy for small children. It is suitable for children aged 3 and over.
In keeping with the prototypical, true-to-scale and/or functional design, small parts, sharp edges and points are generally to be expected with these models.
The color of the model may vary as it is available in a choice of four different colors: red, blue, silver and green. The specific color will be selected at random when your order is put together.
Please also note the additional information about the article.
DIY House
Wood, metal, fabric and cardboard material
Glue and tools are included
with Lighting
14 years+
22.5 x 18.5 x 19 cm (finished)
perfect as a gift
Please note that the rubber duck is not suitable for children under 18 months. Please ensure that young children play under supervision to avoid any risks.
Unique rubber duck in a surgeon's look - perfect for all medical enthusiasts, with scalpel and mask in turquoise, an original gift idea for young and old.
This rubber duck is primarily intended as a decorative piece. Please note that due to its design it does not float in the water in a tilt-stable manner. But that's exactly what makes them a unique highlight in every bathroom or as part of a collection.
The home of Real Madrid was built in 1947 and seats 125,000 spectators.
Paper & EPS board material
No glue and no tools needed
160 pieces
7 years+
34.5 x 34.5 x 9.5 cm (assembled)
perfect as a gift
This model is not a toy for small children. It is suitable for children aged 3 and over.
In keeping with the prototypical, true-to-scale and/or functional design, small parts, sharp edges and points are generally to be expected with these models.
Please also note the additional information about the article.
The home of Borussia Dortmund is Germany's largest football stadium.
Paper & EPS board material
No glue and no tools needed
153 pieces
7 years+
36.5 x 27.1 x 8.5 cm (finished)
perfect as a gift
aus Holz, Metall, Stoff und Kartonagen
benötigtes Werkzeug und Klebstoff sind enthalten
22 x 15 x 17 cm (aufgebaut)
Bauanleitung (Englisch)
ideal als Geschenk!
Genießen Sie eine süße Freizeit mit Rolife DIY Miniaturhaus. Dieses Paket enthält 3 meistverkaufte Kits aus der Leisure-Time-Serie: Flowery Sweets & Teas, Light Music Bar und Honey Ice-Cream Shop.
Dieser Bausatz ist für Kinder ab 14 Jahren geeignet.
Entsprechend der vorbild- und maßstabsgerechten bzw. funktionsbedingten Gestaltung, sind bei diesen Bausatz allgemein Kleinteile, scharfe Kanten und Spitzen zu erwarten.
Beachten Sie für auch die Zusatzinformation zum Artikel.
Dieses Modell ist kein Spielzeug für Kleinkinder. Es ist für Kinder ab 3 Jahren geeignet.
Entsprechend der vorbild- und maßstabsgerechten bzw. funktionsbedingten Gestaltung, sind bei diesen Modellen allgemein Kleinteile, scharfe Kanten und Spitzen zu erwarten.
Die Farbe des Modells kann variieren, da es in einer Auswahl von verschiedenen Farben erhältlich ist. Die spezifische Farbe wird zufällig ausgewählt, wenn Ihre Bestellung zusammengestellt wird.
Beachten Sie für auch die Zusatzinformation zum Artikel.
This model is not a toy for small children. It is suitable for children aged 3 and over.
In keeping with the prototypical, true-to-scale and/or functional design, small parts, sharp edges and points are generally to be expected with these models.
The color of the model may vary as it is available in a selection of different colors. The specific color will be selected at random when your order is put together.
Please also note the additional information about the article.
This model is not a toy for small children. It is suitable for children aged 3 and over.
In keeping with the prototypical, true-to-scale and/or functional design, small parts, sharp edges and points are generally to be expected with these models.
Please also note the additional information about the article.
Wer kennt ihn nicht aus der Kindheit?!Der BIC "4 COLOURS" Kugelschreiber mit 4 verschiedenfarbigen Kugelschreiberminen - seit 1970 ein Dauerbrenner in der Federtasche. Jetzt auch im MiWuLa-Design!Je eine Mine rot, blau, grün und schwarz.Die Minen sind austauschbar.Dies ist die Variante in hellblau mit Miniatur Wunderland Logo.
Schneelaterne - RaketeDiese Schneekugel ist der Hingucker in jedem Kinderzimmer.In Form einer Rakete ist sie zunächst nicht als Schnee"kugel" zu erkennen. Schaltet man sie jedoch ein, lässt die integrierte Beleuchtung
hunderte, reflektierende Teilchen
in allen Farben funkeln. Ideal als Nachtlicht.Im Inneren befinden sich Astronauten und ein Satellit.Die Maße der Rakete betragen ca. 18cm x 50cm x 18cm (BxHxT).Hinweis: Dieser Artikel benötigt ein USB-C Kabel. Dieses ist im Lieferumfang nicht enthalten.
This model is not a toy for small children. It is suitable for children aged 3 and over.
In keeping with the prototypical, true-to-scale and/or functional design, small parts, sharp edges and points are generally to be expected with these models.
Please also note the additional information about the article.
This model is not a toy for small children. It is suitable for children aged 3 and over.
In keeping with the prototypical, true-to-scale and/or functional design, small parts, sharp edges and points are generally to be expected with these models.
Please also note the additional information about the article.
This model is not a toy for small children. It is suitable for children aged 3 and over.
In keeping with the prototypical, true-to-scale and/or functional design, small parts, sharp edges and points are generally to be expected with these models.
The color of the model may vary as it is available in a selection of different colors. The specific color will be selected at random when your order is put together.
Please also note the additional information about the article.
Dieses Modell ist kein Spielzeug für Kleinkinder. Es ist für Kinder ab 3 Jahren geeignet.
Entsprechend der vorbild- und maßstabsgerechten bzw. funktionsbedingten Gestaltung, sind bei diesen Modellen allgemein Kleinteile, scharfe Kanten und Spitzen zu erwarten.
Die Farbe des Modells kann variieren, da es in einer Auswahl von vier verschiedenen Farben erhältlich ist. Die spezifische Farbe wird zufällig ausgewählt, wenn Ihre Bestellung zusammengestellt wird.
Beachten Sie für auch die Zusatzinformation zum Artikel.