Pin Shark
Pin Shark
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.
That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year.
Recipent: Elmshorner Suppenhühner (transl.: Elmshorn Soup Chickens)
We are helping helpers! In her own words Martina Kramer from the town Elmshorn is ‚sweet little 61‘. With her initiative is dedicated to help the homeless. Since more than 5 years, she is providing people in need with food, hygiene supplies, and everyday objects like sleeping bags, clothing, and much, much more. Since two years she has her own van to reach even more homeless people throughout Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. Before that she only had a handcart for her deliveries. By now, Martina has acquired quite a few more helpers for her project. Many of her friends are baking and cooking, or are supporting her on-site, so she can continue her dedicated help for people in need.
ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.