Wunderland Doppel-DVD „Das Miniatur Wunderland – Ein Lebenstraum in Miniatur“ (German & English)
Wunderland Doppel-DVD „Das Miniatur Wunderland – Ein Lebenstraum in Miniatur“ (German & English)
How a brilliant idea became the largest model railway in the world!
Approximately two and a half hours total playing time
2 DVDs
From the idea to the future, this double DVD answers important questions. How did Miniatur Wunderland come about? What makes it so popular and special? And: what does the future have in store? The founders Frederik and Gerrit Braun take you on this exciting journey.
“The Miniatur Wunderland – A Lifetime Dream in Miniature” - Together with the makers of the great KabelEins reports, we have shot a completely new double DVD - full of exciting insights into the work and the highlights of the newest parts of the Wunderland.