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Wunderland Doppel-DVD „Das Miniatur Wunderland – Ein Lebenstraum in Miniatur“ (German & English)

Wunderland Doppel-DVD „Das Miniatur Wunderland – Ein Lebenstraum in Miniatur“ (German & English)

How a brilliant idea became the largest model railway in the world!

Approximately two and a half hours total playing time

2 DVDs

From the idea to the future, this double DVD answers important questions. How did Miniatur Wunderland come about? What makes it so popular and special? And: what does the future have in store? The founders Frederik and Gerrit Braun take you on this exciting journey.

“The Miniatur Wunderland – A Lifetime Dream in Miniature” - Together with the makers of the great KabelEins reports, we have shot a completely new double DVD - full of exciting insights into the work and the highlights of the newest parts of the Wunderland.

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10 € Gift Voucher for Shop or Bistro
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Miniatur Wunderland Welten - Book (german)
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Miniatur Wunderland/Märklin H0 Special Wagon with YOUR NAME
It's this easy: In the box simply type the desired name. Text length is limited to 12 characters including spaces (no special characters available; printed in capital letters only). Due to the individual processing of this article, shipment may take up to 4 working days.    

Gift Voucher "Big Tubs & Small Trains" Adult
The big highlight: nightly harbour tour and subsequent visit to the Miniatur Wunderland => Special Price: 29,90 € !!! (Children, 15 and under: 21,90 €, normal price: 40,00 €) - Wonderful, nightly habour tour (with explanations in German) - Subsequent visit to the Miniatur Wunderland including a lecture about the history of the Miniatur Wunderland (only in German) Let yourself be enchanted by the magic atmosphere of the warehouse district Hamburg at night and your visit to the Miniatur Wunderland! Hamburg harbour and warehouse district show themselves at their best during the quiet hours of the evening. We introduce you to this highlight of Hamburg-city in an approximately 1-hour boat tour through the harbour, and round up the evening by taking you - without any waiting time - to the Miniatur Wunderland. Once you arrived at the wonderland, you can refresh yourself and gather your strength with one of our delicious dishes, or enjoy our down-to-earth boats-and-trains special offer: Currywurst (classical curried sausage) with fries and a drink for only 8 Euro! Get insight into the history of the Miniatur Wunderland through our 15-minutes presentation. This special offer is not available on every day! Attention: All special events have limited tickets. You must make a reservation for a certain date timely with your certificate.


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