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Sonderwagen Spur H0 Containerwagen 2024 - "MONACO" - 94562
Sonderwagen Spur H0 Containerwagen 2024 - "MONACO" - 94562 Ein Containerwagen in Spur H0 ist ein Modell eines Güterwagens im Maßstab 1:87, der für die Nenngröße H0 (Spurweite 16,5 mm) von Modelleisenbahnen verwendet wird. Diese Wagen sind detailreich gestaltet und verfügen über eine authentische Lackierung und Beschriftung sowie feine Details wie Griffstangen, Leitern und Bremserbühnen. Sie sind eine beliebte Ergänzung für jede Spur H0 Modelleisenbahnanlage und bieten Sammlern und Hobbyisten die Möglichkeit, realistische Güterzüge zu gestalten.

Miniatur Wunderland/Märklin H0 Special Wagon with YOUR NAME
It's this easy: In the box simply type the desired name. Text length is limited to 12 characters including spaces (no special characters available; printed in capital letters only). Due to the individual processing of this article, shipment may take up to 4 working days.    

Miniatur Wunderland / Märklin H0 special wagon with YOUR NAME
Märklin special wagon with your name . It's this easy : 1 ) Place the car in the cart 2 ) Be in the box ( shown below ) simply your name or set up . . 12 characters including spaces ( no " special characters " ; all capital letters ) . Due to the individual processing of this article , the shipment may partially take up to 4 working days .    

Magnet Whale
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Heart’s desire foundation Herzenswünsche e.V. (Heart’s desire foundation) Herzenswünsche e.V.  is an association working throughout Germany, making dreams come true for children and teenagers with terminal illnesses. Roughly 70 volunteer workers and 3 employees develop close liaisons to the children concerned as well as their families, doctors, therapists in order to find out which wish fulfilled could bring hope and good energy for the child. It is often the case, that a dream come true can help in coping with the strenuous everyday life at the clinic. For any kind of support we are tremendously grateful. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Parrot
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Ankerland e.V. Ankerland e.V. is an association working to improve the lives of traumatized children and youths. Their mission is to establish the first counseling and treatment center in Hamburg where young trauma patients could get professional treatment, encompassing medical care, psychotherapy and family support. Ankerland also aims at increasing public awareness for the complex issue of children with trauma and provides a phone counseling service. www.ankerland.orgALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Turtle
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Foundation "A place for children" Foundation "A place for children" The foundation "A place for children" builds the so called "Mattisburg" (Mattis-Castle) shelters in Germany for abused and severely traumatized children between the ages of three and twelve. The Mattisburg-Children are peculiar in their behavior which can be violent and self-destructive. Severe eating disorders can appear as well.  Their behavior is too intense for placements with foster parents in residential groups or psychiatric hospitals. These children receive help in the “Mattis Castles”. It often takes months for the children to open up and talk about their traumatic experiences. From that point forward the social educators and therapists can start working with them on processing and coping and getting ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Sloth
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Stiftung Mittagskinder (Association Lunch Children) The non-profit association Mittagskinder in Hamburg offers a socio-paedagogical supervision for children coming from a misfortunate social background in their so-called “Kindertreffs” (meeting places). These shelters are situated in inner city locations. More than 120 children receive healthy and appropriate meals free of charge. There are also tutoring and further educational and sports activities available: ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Dino
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Sponsoring Society Children’s Lives Association When a family receives the diagnosis that their child is seriously or incurably ill, their world collapses. It is almost unbearable. For these families, the sick child becomes the center of their attention, everything else comes second - especially the sibling, the job, friends and everything else. This often results in broken marriages, unemployment and social exclusion. The aim of the Sponsoring Society Children’s Lives Association is to help these families, and especially the children, with their often unbearable everyday lives. We have been able to help many families so far and fulfill their wishes and dreams – very modest wishes. This has shown us that it does not always need large sums to help and to spread joy. The children and adolescents want simple things that make their difficult time during chemotherapy or at the hospital more bearable. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Shark
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Elmshorner Suppenhühner (transl.: Elmshorn Soup Chickens) We are helping helpers! In her own words Martina Kramer from the town Elmshorn is ‚sweet little 61‘. With her initiative is dedicated to help the homeless. Since more than 5 years, she is providing people in need with food, hygiene supplies, and everyday objects like sleeping bags, clothing, and much, much more. Since two years she has her own van to reach even more homeless people throughout Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. Before that she only had a handcart for her deliveries. By now, Martina has acquired quite a few more helpers for her project. Many of her friends are baking and cooking, or are supporting her on-site, so she can continue her dedicated help for people in need. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Sea Horse
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: The "Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung" (German Childhood Cancer Foundation)The "Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung" (German Childhood Cancer Foundation) aims at fighting childhood cancer and helping children with cancer to experience the same quality of life and future prospects as any other child. The foundation supports and funds clinical and patient centered research projects that are targeted on better chances of healing, access to secure treatment, development of new cures and minimization or even prevention of long-term ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet Lama
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Deutsche RettungsflugwachtThe DRF originated from the Björn-Steiger association and runs rescue helicopters all over Germany in cooperation with the „Team DRF“ even in all of Europe. Without  donations and their sustaining members the helicopter fleet could not be affordable, since a quarter of the costs have to be covered by this way of financing. A rescue helicopter costs around 4-5 million Euros and all older models before 2009 have to be replaced due to new European regulations. The  Björn-Steiger association is responsible for the rescue system in Germany. Rescue vehicles with radio communication and medical attention, emergency call boxes and many other innovations have originated from the BSA and have improved our emergency statistics by ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Magnet 2022 - Crocodile
In the year 2007 we started to offer our donation pins and magnets, which were depicting our best theme worlds and annual topics. From this year on, we don’t produce specifically assigned monthly pins and magnets any longer. Instead, we have selected assorted donation pins and magnets - the most popular ones - which we offer permanently. In the beginning of each year, we will estimate how many we will sell in that year and divide the sum by 12. Each month, one of the charitable institutions which the buyer’s community has chosen, will receive an equal amount.That seems to fairer than our previous system. At the end of each fiscal year, we will check whether we sold less or more than calculated and take that into account for the forecast of the next year. Recipent: Die Seenotretter Rescuing castaways from distress at sea. Extricating people from danger. Treating the sick and wounded. We are ready for operation 24/7 in literally any weather. The "Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger (DGzRS)" (German Maritime Search and Rescue Association) is one of the most modern sea rescue services in the world. Our work is exclusively financed through donations and voluntary contributions. As a SAR service, we are on duty around the clock in the German North Sea and Baltic Sea in all kinds of weather – with a fleet of 60 SAR cruisers and boats. ALL proceeds – including our production costs – go entirely to this charitable organization.

Euro-Souvenir-Banknote Motif "Friedenstaube" (2023-25)
This personalized note shows a mural in the Miniatur Wunderland exhibition that is very popular. Depicted is a herd of sheep moving through a fence gate to another pasture. As a whole, the herd of sheep forms the outline of a dove of peace. On the other side of this note are images of various touristic and cultural sites in Europe. The secret of it's appearance is not that they look real - they are! These souvenir notes are produced from one of the official printers of our real euro notes. Edition: 10.000 pieces limited Measurments: 140 * 77 mm Please note: A resevation of certain serial numbers is not possible. Also we do not guarentee coherent numbers.

Miniatur Wunderland / Märklin H0 special wagon with YOUR NAME
Namen weiblich L-Z: Sandra
Märklin special wagon with your name . It's this easy : 1 ) Place the car in the cart 2 ) Be in the box ( shown below ) simply your name or set up . . 12 characters including spaces ( no " special characters " ; all capital letters ) . Due to the individual processing of this article , the shipment may partially take up to 4 working days .    

Special Edition Z Miniclub "container 3652 Tage Wunderland"
Limited Special Edition : 400 pieces

Special Edition H0 Märklin 2015 tankwagon "5000 Tage Wunderland - Amerika"
For 5000 days anniversary there for any of our construction phases a special car ! These are both individually and available in 9- Set . Limited Special Edition : 1500 pieces which are 1000 pieces individually and offered in 500 pieces 9s gift carton

"15 Years in Wunderland" Blu-Ray (german & englisch)
HOW AN IDEA TURNED INTO THE WORLD’S LARGEST MODEL LAYOUT What started as a crazy idea about 15 years ago is now a fascination for millions of people from around the globe. On this 2-disc DVD you’ll learn how it all began. Join the founders of the Miniatur Wunderland on an exciting discovery trip with shooting locations all over Germany and Switzerland. Where did Frederick Braun come up with the idea to build such a layout? You’ll find out here. Have you ever wondered how model figures are made? We’ll explain it to you. Experience an unusual view from the inside of a bridge and marvel at exclusive shots that show how it all began. This 2-disc DVD is filled with interesting facts and fascinating images from the world’s largest model railway layout. We’ll show you the most beautiful spots of the layout. Of course, there are also new images from the airport section. Experience the exciting atmosphere of the new airport. There are airplanes taking off and landing every few seconds! INCLUDES MANY EXTRAS Have you missed one of the numerous push-button actions? No problem, on the bonus DVD you can see them all in a row! You have never seen this big (and yet so small) world in Hamburg’s warehouse district quite like this: On this DVD you’ll find over 20 minutes of spectacular flights over the layout. You’ll be amazed! Drive with us through the Miniatur Wunderland, either from inside the driver’s cabin of a train or behind the wheel of a truck. And, of course, you’ll discover interesting background information about the Miniatur Wunderland in exclusive interviews. UP CLOSE ON AN INCREDIBLE SUCCESS STORY Never before seen insights and fascinating background information: In celebration of the 10-year anniversary, we bring you THE movie about the Miniatur Wunderland. Now you can join the founders of the Miniatur Wunderland on a 70-minute journey through the origins of the world’s largest model railway layout. Come along on this exciting discovery and learn everything you want to know about this little world of wonder in Hamburg’s historic warehouse district!

€10.90* €19.90* (45.23% saved)
Elongated Coin Motif "ICE"
A souvenir marking or medal is a keepsake item . It is made with a 5 - cent coin from a coin , medal or metal former , by being forced between two steel rolls through . It is a motif on one of the rolls , and when the coin passes through the rollers , the subject is injected under pressure ( several tons ) . In this process, the coin to a flat , ellipsoidal plate with a motif . Therefore, these coins are called in the United States also " Elongated Coin " , which translated means prolonged coin .

Elongated Coin Motif "Steamtrain"
A souvenir marking or medal is a keepsake item . It is made with a 5 - cent coin from a coin , medal or metal former , by being forced between two steel rolls through . It is a motif on one of the rolls , and when the coin passes through the rollers , the subject is injected under pressure ( several tons ) . In this process, the coin to a flat , ellipsoidal plate with a motif . Therefore, these coins are called in the United States also " Elongated Coin " , which translated means prolonged coin .

Collectible Magnet Miniatur Wunderland 2001
Magnet with year, to remember your visit. Year 2001

Collectible Magnet Miniatur Wunderland 2003
Magnet with year, to remember your visit. Year 2003

Collectible Magnet Miniatur Wunderland 2004
Magnet with year, to remember your visit. Year 2004

Collectible Magnet Miniatur Wunderland 2005
Magnet with year, to remember your visit. Year 2005

Collectible Magnet Miniatur Wunderland 2006
Magnet with year, to remember your visit. Year 2006

Collectible Magnet Miniatur Wunderland 2007
Magnet with year, to remember your visit. Year 2007

Collectible Magnet Miniatur Wunderland 2009
Magnet with year, to remember your visit. Year 2009

Collectible Magnet Miniatur Wunderland 2011
Magnet with year, to remember your visit. Year 2011

Collectible Magnet Miniatur Wunderland 2013
Magnet with year, to remember your visit. Year 2013

Collectible Magnet Miniatur Wunderland 2016
Magnet with year, to remember your visit. Year 2016

Special Edition Z Miniclub tankwagon "Streifen 2017"
Limitierte Sonderauflage: 400 Stück

Miniatur Wunderland Coin "4 Elemente" in a case
Miniatur Wunderland Münze "4 Elemente" im Etui 40mm Durchmesser 19 Gramm

Miniatur Wunderland Coin "20 Jahre Wunderland" in a case
Miniatur Wunderland Münze "20 Jahre Wunderland" im Etui 40mm Durchmesser 19 Gramm

Miniatur Wunderland Coin "2019 Kirmes"
Miniatur Wunderland Münze "2019 Kirmes" 40mm Durchmesser 19 Gramm

Miniatur Wunderland Coin "2020 Monaco"
Miniatur Wunderland Münze "2020 Monaco" 40mm Durchmesser 19 Gramm

Miniatur Wunderland Coin "Hamburg" in a case
Miniatur Wunderland Münze "Hamburg" im Etui 40mm Durchmesser 19 Gramm

Miniatur Wunderland Coin "standard"
Miniatur Wunderland Münze "standard" 40mm Durchmesser 19 Gramm


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